Noclip and the exploded axon

There's a fascinating site making the rounds called 'noclip' --

I haven't dug too much into how it was created, but it's essentially uploaded level geometry from a number of names.  NoClip takes it's name from old console commands that would turn off "clipping" - a process of obstructing geometry from the players camera frustum.

In practice, this meant disabling collision with level geometry.  The results can be illuminating when intentional; humorous when not.

Image result for noclip

No clip modes and the website give you a holistic view of the gamespace, as well as showcase parts that are intentionally left unfinished.  Robert Yang made extensive use of noclip mode in his Half Life 2 series; it gives a glimpse into how bizarre these game spaces really are. 

I especially like noclip's dark souls collision data.  It highlights the interconnected nature of the game world, and gives a sense of Lordran's scale.

It's a much more analytic way of looking at the game space, since there's no character control or level editing tools to get in the way. 

Level designers don't really make use of axonometric drawings the way that architects do - there's no need for such a time consuming drawing process unless your game is making use of axonometric projection.  Exploded axons were always my favorite kinds of drawings - detailed projective drawings that show individual systems as layers, split apart IKEA-style with dotted lines showing how everything fits together.

I think what I like about these drawings is that there's a sense of coherence and logic - each part has it's place - but there's an inherent complexity in the visual information that warrants examining each layer individually.  Normally with games, we focus on the player experience (and sometimes the minimap), but rarely do level designers peel apart the layers in a systematic way when showcasing their work.  Noclip is one way to look under the hood of some iconic levels, and see how each piece fits together.


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